Thursday, May 17, 2012

Young Generation

      In our society childhood is disappearing more and more to where children are not children very long. As you know that we only have eighteen years of being children in our entire life. Parents struggle to keep their children innocent and happy. Every-time children move from one step of their life to another step such as crawling, walking, talking, going to pre school, middle school, high school then graduate from college, parents feel so happy to see their kids growing, but at the same time they feel nostalgic thinking about the good old days. Nowadays children are growing too fast, they dressed up like adults, they talk like adult as well. Parents are trying to keep their kids young and happy as much as they can, but in the other hand the environment, the people, the technology and even parents are making children becoming adults sooner in crazy ways. How do you feel when you see your 12 year-old-daughter is wearing a tight pants with the word “Juice” or “sexy” on her butt?
      It is always good to see your children grow up, but not if they grow up too fast and not in the innocent way. Parents should pay more attention to children. Parents should listen to the kids when they are talking, give them good advice, avoid giving them negative feedbacks and yelling. I have read a book called the Popular Culture written by Ray B. Browne, and in his book one of the article called “ Don’t let your childhood die” in the end of the book the author said kids look for icons on TV to steer them in the right direction. All the characters are violent, and the writer said that kids need a little evil in-order-to grow up. If so how are they going to fix that? How are they going make any movies or shows for kids that without violent? Because I have watched many kids movies and shows, there is always violent in the movies. 

Dream of one Video Game Museum in history

     When people see museum and they would think museums are all filled with rusted swords, faded paintings, dusty bones, sci-fi junkies, but not all museums. A few historical treasuries are dedicated solely to the video game industry. The Video-Game industry has already collected over 25,000 pieces of video game, and many of those items already tour national conventions such as E3, PAX, and Classic Game Expo each year.And so that gave me the idea of collect as much all video games as I could so the next generation would know about the history of video game.
    I was thinking that it is important to preserve video game history. I was talking about this to one my friend who was doing the same thing like what I am doing a few years back. What we realizing was the physical for video games is going away. Eventually there will be no such thing as you walk into a game store and walk out with a game in your hands. Lots of people don’t think that will happen, but I don’t understand how that wouldn’t happen. And that is true, I just used my PlayStation3 to free download many games. The games just came out 2 weeks after I downloaded the whole game for free, and the game would have cost $60 at the game store. Now I realize that I have done a good thing, keep all those old games around, so that maybe in 10 years, 20 years from now or more, we can go back and see what these things used to look like. I want people to be able to appreciate the art and the culture that has built around this hobby.

What is it feel like to be on the wheel chair

     I am not a fan of 30days show, but last night I watched one of his episode, the episode called "Living in a wheelchair." The episode was about a Former NFL cornerback Ray Crockett, he is 41-year-old who played in a 1991 game and one of his teammate was paralyzed. Crockett went to a doctor, and they told him if he continuos play football, he will be ending up on the wheel chair. And so he spent  on the wheel chair for thirty days. Crockett's house and car are retrofitted, and he continues to coach his son's football team. He also plays wheelchair rugby and makes friends with people who have suffered spinal-cord injures. I was asking to myself " why would the creator wanted to make a show about a guy who is walking normal like everybody else that going to spend 30 days on a wheelchair?" Well, from what I understand from this episode why the creator wanted to make a show like that because the creator wanted to tell Ray Crockett as well as everybody that what is to be feel like to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair. And I do know that it is very hard  in your first time of your life to accept spending the rest of your life on the wheelchair. Definitely you would lost yourself, lost confident about everything, feel lonely. You might probably think that people around you are pushing you away, and the most unhappy problem that you won't able to do thing like you used to do it by yourself. 

     This episode is really good, it grabbed me from the beginning to the end of the show. I like the whole idea of the creator who made this show, he tried to tell us that every single part on human body is very important. Each person who is living on this planet should value their life and protect each other.

Guess who

      I am small and thin. My size is just about the size of calculator. My skin color is shinny black. The people who created me that gave me a nickname called “Slim&Lite.” People could use me use to play hundreds of amazing games. I have the best quality graphic and a powerful LCD screen make games become live. I almost forgot about the most important thing is I am a new born and the games only feed to me are the games comparable with me. You could also watch and download movies, exclusive shows and your favorite TV series; you could transfer the music from internet or from any computers to me and take the soundtracks wherever you go to. You could save photos to upload to Facebook. You could use the camera to see your friends and your family far away and you could do online search like any other computers. (Hint: I have four different icon-buttons on my right body, they are: one blue X button, one dark pink SQUARE button, one red CIRCLE button and the last one is a green TRIANGLE button, I also so two numb-stick on both sides of the surface.)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Watch out for bad foods.


        I never cared about the food I eat. Or never looked what kind of ingredients contained in the foods. But all that will be changed because after I have done my research paper about the food labels. Many information they have said about the food labels are so horrible. For the example, I did a research about Easy Cheese product and in that product contained stain-removal, which is a bad chemical for human life. Human got bad health problems because they don't read the labels of the foods and many others just don't care what kind of ingredients in the foods.

      This research paper is really helping me stay away from bad products and I hope it would help other people as well. Here are some useful tips that you could avoid bad food products: don’t buy the products if the name of the ingredients are long or unfamiliar, that might be some unhealthy chemicals, also you need to watch out the labels say stuff like “All Natural Flavor” “100% Fruits” When you see labels like that it might not healthy as you think. Food factory labeled like that to fool the shoppers and made us believe what we have seen. High fructose corn syrup is one of the unhealthy chemicals you can find in most of flavor drink such as soda and juice bottle. Basically it is just sugar been separated from the corn and it associated hight blood pressure, depression and tooth decay. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Touch-screen TV

    After school I visited my sister's shop, and I heard the conversation with some customers in her shop. The guy who works at Besbuy store said the TV with touch-screen technology will be on the market soon. And I was thinking myself "so every time we need to change a channel or adjust the volume, we have to stand up, get off the coach and get to the TV to do all that, I don't think I am going to buy that TV, classic is always the best. OR it might be good for people who want to do more exercise at home instead of spending money at the gym, you get to watch TV same time as exercise.

So much for cellphone

   I just found out this morning that my girlfriend paid over $200 for her ear infection treated. And the reason is so simple, talking too much on the phone lol. People take this as a lesson.When you use cellphone, it could cause many horrible things. Using cellphone to text to someone is one good example about text while drive. I have seen many accidents and they many of them are about text while drive. Why don’t we just wait until we stop the car or get out the car when we need to make a text? Why can’t people take those accidents as a lesson for themselves that try not to text while driving. You could harm yourself, the people on your car and other people on other cars as well. I think the government should have come up with some laws more strictly to stop text while drive. I have seen some states that they are very strictly about text while drive as well as talking on phone while driving too. And most of the accidents caused by text while drive are teenagers and middle-aged. Teenagers are often getting bored easily and so they using phone to have an entertainment, and they have used it for so long became a habit and they also like to communicate as well.